Game review

DCS World : Digital Combat Simulator

What is DCS World?

DCS World is a free flight simulation game where you get to be a fighter pilot and do things as similar as the air forces around the globe. This game also known as a highly realistic study simulation as you need 1000+ hours of learning and studying on how to operate each aircraft which is 1:1 on the scale of similarity on what the real pilot had to learn on the academy before they become an ace fighter pilot.DCS World also offer an option to play a single player mission or multiplayer where you can meet experts and even a real pilot online.

Learning curve

Yes this game may require you to learn and study to operate an aircraft just like in real life, but afraid not, there is tons of videos and blogs that was made by veteran players that can help you to learn faster. Taking off from the runway, launching missiles and understanding on how radar system works, this is the learning curve that we all had to take before we are considered good to operate our own aircraft.

For beginners there is tons of low fidelity aircraft which is a simple, non clickable cockpit aircraft that we can choose to help us understand such as SU-27,SU33,F-15c and A10a.


Compared to the other games that I have ever played, the graphic in this game is the closest one to the real life, the cockpit, lighting and textures looks very realistic and sometimes when I watch a video on youtube,i took me seconds to realise that its a game and not a real aircraft. There is tons of cinematic video trailer to show how realistic the graphic this game has to offer so the players can have a much more immersive experience.

Here is a video montage to show you how good the graphic are.

Basic requirement

To play this game there is a few things that you need to be able to have a full immersive experience.


Hotas or hand on throttle-and-stick are the controller that you have to use to control your aircraft. It is indeed expensive but worry not because there is a tons of them that you can get with a lower price such as Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. For those that want to try this game first before buying one of these, you can control your aircraft using mouse and keyboard but for me personally, it feels much more immersive using a joystick.

Track IR

You don’t really need Track IR, you can use your mouse to look around your cockpit, but its hard because both of your hands are already busy with joystick and keyboard, so using your head to look around is easier and much more immersive. For those who got a lot of money to spend you might want to get a VR headset instead but at the end its just a preference.

Modules A.K.A Aircrafts

There is tons of modules that you can choose from including world war 2 planes and the latest modern aircrafts.I cant make a list for all of them because this blog will be full of them,instead i will show you two of my favourite aircraft.

SU-27 Flanker

This Russian fighter aircraft is my favorite fighter because you can do tons of maneuver that can help you penetrate enemy radar system and it look so beautiful.Plus,this is the first aircraft that i own because its the older model of Sukhoi that RMAF uses.

A10a Warthog

this american flying beast or also known as “Flying tank” is my favorite aircraft to do an air to ground mission such as CAS (close air support) because of the maneuverability and the thick armor that can protect its pilot from Anti Air guns. Everyone love this aircraft because of the sound of the 50mm cannon mounted make a sound that sounds like fart,brrrrtttttt!!!!.

Should you get into DCS World?

If you are into aerospace and piloting, then the answer is yes. Its fun,the community is super nice and friendly to a newcomer.Dont be afraid of the learning curve, hats the fun part! it teaches you from your mistakes that will end up make you stronger. Sure, you need money for buying hardware and module, but there is always a cheap and even a free option that Eagle Dynamic has to offer come and join us so we can show you how great this game is.

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